Time Required:
1 hour
What is a V/P lung scan?
It is a test which checks how well the lungs inflate and trap air. It also show how well blood is supplied to the lungs.
Why do I need a V/P lung scan?
A lung scan is usually done to see if there are any blood clots in the lungs.
How do I prepare for my V/P lung scan?
There is no special preparation required for the test.
What can I expect during the test?
During the first part of the study, a clip will be placed on your nose and you will be asked to breathe through your mouth into a tubing. This lasts approximately seven minutes. During the second part of the test, a small amount of isotope will be injected into your veins and a series of pictures will be taken.
What do I do after my V/P lung scan?
There are no special instructions. You may return to your normal activities. Your doctor will give you the results.